Thursday 3 August 2017

'A warm blanket of love'

So, yes, I was ‘losing’ it anyway (the hair not the mind!), but ‘taking control’ was the message of defiance I had cultivated in my mind which ultimately prevailed over the competing thoughts of the dread in my head. The deed became  more palatable to bear because of the overwhelming response of all my cheerleaders. The messages of support from family and friends has been like having a ‘warm blanket of love’ surrounding me, armouring me from ravages of cancer. Thank you guys and #F.U Cancer!

The response to the  ‘just giving page’ has been phenomenal and I have since been ‘possessed’ with a sense of purpose that extends beyond the me, my self and I. How amazing that together we are making a difference by funding research to achieve ‘Breast Cancer Now’s’ aim to stop women dying of breast cancer by 2050. What an amazing legacy.

Over night the target for ‘The Shave Dare’ had been reached and within 24 hours the overall £1000 challenge had been smashed. We have since reached an incredible £2,310.12 and I have been told I need to increase my target!

I have been humbled by the apologies from people for not donating  large amounts, for the point is that ‘we all do what we can and this is what makes a difference and every penny really does count. 

Quite remarkably, I have received well wishes  and donations from people that I do not even know. Not in my wildest dreams did I anticipate this response. Thank you all for sharing my story and helping with this. I have also been introduced to the ‘To Dare is to Do’  quote by one benefactor. I’m told this quote is associated with  #Spurs F.C and whilst I have no affiliation to the team, It was written in a cheerleading message from Russ’ friend Karl Lewis and captures the spirit of events for me perfectly….. 

The ’Spurs’ reference on social media went on to generate lot’s of football banter, which to be honest was ‘TOOOOTALLY ‘ lost on me. The passionate message exchange on Russ’s Facebook page was HILARIOUS and even encouraged more donations when Russ, a #Liverpool F.C fan,  accepted a dare of his own and changed his profile picture to the #Arsenal FC logo. I’m told this was quite painful for him!  

So, I woke on the morning of the dare on ‘high alert’ mode and tried my hand at shooting a video diary clip of my pre shave preparations and thoughts. I could see that the hair loss process was distressing for others to see me go through and I was conscious of ’freaking’ people out with it all. I wanted to approach a difficult thing with some ‘matter of factness’,  and I know already, that I have raised awareness of the experience for some that have seen the clip. Hair loss due to cancer treatment is a very personal thing and those affected will go through their own individual process of dealing with this. Not everyone will be as open as I have been, this is just my way, so if this is affecting those you  know and love , take their lead on how they want to manage this and remember that ‘warm blanket of love’.

Ruth and I travelled  from my home to  Northampton  and with a failed attempt at  ‘Car Pool karaoke’ behind us, we found Gill and arrived at Toni and Guy’s with some cakes and goodies for the Team.  To say I was nervous is an understatement but this was short lived when Chantelle welcomed us in and told me her plan . I had quite literally expected  her to just shave my hair, however Chantelle felt that this would be too brutal and so I received the full professional salon experience again. 

Bex, one of my original cheerleaders popped in to shake her pom pom’s and left leaving a ‘lightning bolt’ suggestion in her wake ! So thanks to Bex I had a Harry Potter scar shaved into my convict hair.  Chantelle’s staggered approach to ‘The Shave’ also took me on a trip down memory lane, with the 80’s cut I had when I was a teen and an ‘Ann Hathaway’ look from her character in Les Miserable!  Never forgetting and not really caring that  that we were in a very busy town centre salon! 

Apart from the pool of hair falling out blocking the sink, and the hair being cut out cascading to the floor, this just seemed to be a normal trip to Toni and Guy with a natter about life, love, hopes and dreams and so there was definitely some successful ‘sugar coating of the crap’ activity going on!

I’m relieved to say that Chantelle and ‘my besties’ loved my choice of wig and so Zara was an instant hit! 

I had a proper pampering and walked out of Toni and Guy with a zest  for life and all things positive. 

The last time I have it shaved, this was done without any such ceremony but with a ‘no nonsense’ shave it off concept. Whilst I throughly enjoyed the pampering this time, I can’t say that I prefer one approach over the other. I didn’t want to shave it after all and I felt indifferent really in terms of how it was ultimately done.  This is a highly intimate thing and only worked this time because of the relationship I have with Team Toni and Guy. 

What made the difference each time was the people that I was with,  and the love that surrounded me. I just rolled with the opportunities of each occasion! The last time Danny, my son was with me and ‘Vivienne’s debut’ was marked with a lunch time date at ‘Dreams’ coffee Lounge and there was no favouritism this time either, Zara made her launch at Dreams, on a girly lunch date too!

So, ’I Dared and I Did’. By the time I got home I was both emotionally and physically wiped out. It was sheer adrenaline that saw me through the day and I enjoyed a 12 hour sleep marathon at that! I have literally struggled to keep up with the messages of support and just giving activity and thank everyone for their patience whilst I catch up with my thanks and updates!

As for life without hair, It is what it is …..Reuben introduced himself to Zara with a ‘sniff’ and has rather taken to licking my shaved head when ever he has the opportunity …. Rather nice actually, in fact the sensation is on parr with when he licks my toes!!.. Each to their own Lol!