Tuesday 23 December 2014

Christmas Blessings !

With Christmas catch ups and gatherings well underway; those  sentimental, warm, fluffy, fuzzy 'Christmas movie' feeling's have made a seasonal appearance. I'm such a Christmas romantic and make no apologies!! Ho Ho Ho! 

                            Christmas catch ups 
Moments like these in my 2013/2014 calendar is what has prevented me from wishing away the last year and rushing to the next ...

I'm sure I'd be forgiven for wanting to see the back of 2014, after all #cancer is a tragic story, however I am NOT cancer and it has been the way 'the tragedy' has been played and the special times, that has defined me and my life in 2014.

      Birthday and house warming do!
My birthday booby cake ( thank you to the very talented Jess)

There'll  be no wishing away of time and no projecting ones mind into the future ... That would just distract me from experiencing my 'now' ... And that's a pretty good place to be... in spite of it's challenges (Yes, Di, the party in my head is still going!)

I have found myself almost trying to convince some well wishers that I AM OK, when care and concern has been expressed about impact of  the toils of the last year.

It has been/is tough but 'Ok' is just  the right word, for to expect anymore would be unrealistic given I have had cancer and my relationship ended. It has been/is OK because those things, have/can be ameliorated by the blessings of my life and the love, care and concern I have felt from well wishers!

With Our minds conditioned with traditional thoughts of 'fresh' starts and new years resolutions, I see this through another dimension this year.

There is no ending or new beginning really, my story is ever evolving and I shall start each day with 'bite size' resolutions to see me through the challenges of next year, whilst firmly focusing on the hopes and dreams that 2015 holds for me. 

It's gonna be pretty tough to beat some of the  fund-raising and 'modelling' accomplishments of 2014, but watch me try ! Lol!

My pic in Red Magazine Christmas edition...and Poster spotted by Emily Ingram! 
My final Christmas message is one of thanks and gratitude to all the family and friends, new and old, who have supported me this year.  I really could not have got to where I am today with such 'sparkle' without you all, and I wish you all a very merry Christmas  and a most excellent 2015! 

Friday 12 December 2014

Those pesky Tamoxifen pounds!

My post surgery / treatment ‘tush’ has finally found itself right back to the gym after 13 months and after gym induction, the other day, I now have myself a steady exercise plan that will not only keep those extra Tamoxifen pounds at bay, strengthentone but satisfy Dr Varmas orders against loosing weight!

My mind boggling with Dr Varmas’ advice; ‘don’t lose weight, when in fact my BMI indicates I should probably be losing   weight, Dr Knightons warning  to watch for the Tamoxifen pounds and research telling me that a healthy weight and exercising regularly reduces chance of breast cancer reoccurrence..... I had been keen to sort my fitness routine out for a while, but balancing that has been tough with my house move and return to work. Pleased that those affairs are largely on track, I had no excuse but to take action!

As a returning member of Balance Gym the familiarity helped me make my way through that door, after a self imposed impasse about my way back to fitness!

I suspect that I could have been more active than I was this last year. I have read about some women that have been very active during treatment, but from a position of reflection, I have decided that everyone’s story is different and see that I did my best with the distractions of my 'cancer' year...there's no time in my life for 'should haves' anymore ...' Today is what counts, the most empowering day of our lives! 

So, Chris, the very personable, Personal Trainer duly took me though a health check and my goals.... I wasn’t quite sure how to tell him that I didn’t want to lose tummy fat as I was harvesting my new boob on my belly.....so I didn’t, and spared the young man the embarrassment of such details, never the less when I explained my needs, that I wanted to improve movement in my left arm,strengthen and improve tone, without losing fat on my tummy...he understood and promptly came up with a plan for me.

The irony was not lost on Chriswhen he advised me to increase my food intake as I increase my activity levels;‘healthy carb’s’ he said! It wasn’t quite the advice he usually gave, but he seemed to understand exactly what I wanted to achieve and made sure that the plan took into account some post treatment fatigue and my recent return to work.

I have been given a mixture of cardio and strength exercises and all in all a great job from Chris... With a review due in the new yearmy fitness plan will evolve with me....so I’m on my merry way to achieving  some 'semblance of my pre diagnosis condition, but steady I go as per Dr Knighton’s orders!

Apart from the traditional benefits of regular exercise, it has a critical role to play in the prevention of breast cancer and it’s reoccurrence and as such it HAS to be a long term lifestyle choice for me!

Check out the #Breakthrough Breast cancer site for research and more importantly lots of info and ideas to ‘Raise your pulse, reduce your risk

I’m hoping to feel the benefit of my exercise program by the time I hit the ski slopes in January, I suspect I’ve left it too late this year to be fit enough to storm the slopes like the maniac l used to be..but hey, I’m glad to be back in action after breast cancer interrupted my ski season last year! 

Make today the most empowering day of your life x

Saturday 6 December 2014

#Inspiration Awards for Women

Having failed miserably in my blogging duties after the Inspiration Awards for Women, the time has come to redeem myself…. It has been over 8 weeks since the Ceremony on 2nd October, but fear not, this post, in part has been in draft and the experience in all it's glory has been imprinted in my mind as a most special, empowering occasion, and I'm determined to do it justice in my narrative!

Jackie, my plus one, is a friend that I reconnected with since the start of my 'perfect boob' adventures and we came together for the first time in at least 6 years for this event, so a pretty significant occasion for that reason too!!

A blast from the past!
There was never any doubt, but I'm pleased to say that even after all that time, Jackie and I soon revitalised our friendship over a meal at French restaurant before getting ready for mischief at the Awards!

My outfit of choice, was my 'feel good' dress, that I wore last year to a Breast Cancer awareness ball, before I was even diagnosed. I'm so pleased that the dress was still suitable, as the neck line of a lot of my clothes, bought before diagnosis, betrays in someway the missing boob!

Team Kemp gave me the confidence to set aside my wigs, and since Jamaica I have unleashed the new   'wigless' me, however with a remaining twinge of  uncertainty and in search of some glamour, 'Kiara Beau' (wig) accompanied me to the awards that night.

Jackie looked truly amazing in her…'car boot  bargain top' showing us that glamour really doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Don't we scrub up well!
Feeling revived from Jamaica and all renewed with confidence in my post treatment appearance, we  arrived excitedly at Cadogan Hall, full of anticipation of a great evening and we were not disappointed.

We met up with Kreena and her friend, before making our way into the reception area, for 'Pink Champagne' and settling to watch guests arrive. It wasn't long before we were overcome (lol) with  a flurry of 'cloaked'  school girl excitement as we both saw someone we recognised from TV!! ha ha !!

Both Jackie and I couldn't remember 'his' name.  I blame the chemo side effects, not sure what Jackie's excuse is (lol)…. anyway  not wanting to miss the opportunity before me, I  approached 'him', asked 'may I' in my posh voice before positioning myself right beside him, whilst Jackie quickly took a photo … the truth is I don't think he really had a choice, but he acquiesced regardless and don't we look the sweet couple!! Ha ha!

After issuing a 'name SOS' on Facebook, we soon learnt that 'he' was in fact Ray Quinn!!!…. (Thanks AnnMarie ). Feeling rather relieved that I didn't call him Gareth Gates, the first name that came to mind, we were more prepared for our next encounters with the very personable #Vanessa #Feltz and charismatic #Louie Spence. Yay!

The event was attended by people from all walks of life… from the mere blogger like moi, Doctors, Students, Teachers, Mothers to TV and sports personalities…..The evening flowed beautifully with minglings made easy by the very thing we were brought together to celebrate; women and the power of inspiration.  

As if that wasn't enough, the evening was enhanced by some fundraising enterprises  for The #Breakthrough Breast Cancer Charity, a subject close to my heart!   How's about signing up for their #Stop Breast Cancer For Good campaign by using the link…?? I proudly wear the pin I received for doing just that !!   

Sign up and get your badge
The awards ceremony itself, was presented by #AndrewCastle and Sarah-Jane Mee; check out the link for   the Inspiration Award Winners  of 2014 and official photos in the gallery.

All of us inspirational in our own way…..and inspired by each other that evening,  I for certain left the awards eager to inspire further!! The night went far beyond the individuals that received the awards…the effect  of hearing such #inspirational stories and accomplishments was positively infectious!!! 

Mingling with award winners; Sports inspiration #Jo Pavey  and Jacquie #Beltrao,  News Presenter affected by breast cancer 
A massive congratulations to Jo Pavey who received another award on 3rd December;  Pride of Sport award… I feel honoured to have met her and inspired!

Another highlight of the evening was meeting 'Miss December' aka Denise…..from the #BodyConfidence Calendar…!!! By way of supporting  Breakthrough Breast Cancer I had already bought the calendar before attending the event unbeknown to me that I would be 'bumping into'  Miss December herself, whist she was selling the calendars at the event!! Lol …. Unfortunately I  didn't have my calendar on me , so I didn't get her autograph!! 

Calendar girl meets #warpaint4life girls!
ALL the profits from the Calendar go to the charity, so if you are stuck for a Christmas prezzy …follow the link and do your stuff !(£10.56 + £4 postage)

Click here and get yours!!!!

So, they say time flies when your having fun and indeed it was and indeed it did….. Our evening ended with a night cap outside a local bistro and a stroll back to our  hotel…but the excitement didn't quite end there …

#Ray Quinn and his friend, 'rapturously gallivanted' by us at the Bistro. The friend came over, paid a 'compliment' and hugged me!….. They both seemed in fine 'spirits' as they went on their 'merry' way!! 

Our search for 'midnight' nibbles, then took us into a local store, where we also picked up the November copy of #Woman and Home Magazine, and there it was; a brilliant double spread feature on #Look Good Feel Better , including an appearance from yours truly!

The icing on the cake for me that evening was my very own inspiration 'Award' from Jackie;

Thank You Jackie

Go and Inspire!